This was the first publication of the ACE as such, and appeared in 1989. It is an A5 sized booklet of about 325 pages. It will print on a standard printer  with A4 paper setting but it may be worthwhile experimenting with enlarged printing, multiple page printing etc.

I have had to divide it into smaller files:

File 1: Preliminary pages: This includes the contents page and indices of the case studies and tomb owners

File 1a: Introduction: this contains text conventions

 File 2, File 3, File 4, File 5 and File 6 contain the details of individual tombs studied with minor overlapping in the files

File 7 contains the study conclusions

File 8 contains the bibliography and plates of depictions

The most important file for most readers will be File 7.


The contents of the original book, related to the files, are as follows:


Preface and Acknowledgements (p i)

Abbreviations (p ii)

Contents (p iii)

 List of Case Studies (p iv)

Alphabetical list of tomb owners (p vii)

List of Plates (p x) (all in File 1:)

Introduction (p1)  (File 1a:)

Part I (pages 5 to 326) are in files 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6:

File 2 (cases 1-23), File 3 (cases 23 to 45), File 4 (cases 46 to 69) and File 5 (cases 70 to 86)  and File 6 (cases 87 to 93)

Part II: Study (p 237) is in File 7 and consists of:

Kinship Terminology           (p 239)

Family Relationships           240

Man and Wife            (p 240)

Children         (p 254)

(a) Sons          (p 255)

(b) Daughters            (p 257)

Parents          (p 259)

(a) Father      (p 260)

(b) Mother      (p 261)

Wife's Parents          (p 264)

Brothers        (p 266)

Sisters            (p 267)

Grandparents           (p 269)

Grandchildren          (p 270)

Conclusion (p 271)

Notes (p 276)

The remainder of the book is in File 8:


I           (p 294)

II          (p 296)

III        (p 297)

IV        (p 299)

Bibliography (p 301)

Plates on following pages (pages unnumbered in original publication).